Parks & Rec

Age-Friendly Community Official Recognition

In November 2019, The Town of Saint Andrews was formally recognized as an Age-Friendly Community in the Province of New Brunswick. The Town is one of 10 formally recognized communities in the Province.

February 2020 Town of Saint Andrews Official Recognition as an Age-Friendly Community. Photo Left to Right: Mayor Doug Naish, Lezlie Leblanc Co-Chair Age-Friendly Committee, Sue Corbyn Age-Friendly Committee, Honourable Minister Dorothy Shephard Province of New Brunswick, Caroline Davies Co-Chair Age-Friendly Committee, Sandy Morgan Age-Friendly Committee, Keith Womba Age-Friendly Committee, Jamie Steele Age-Friendly Committee.

Age-Friendly Recognition Letter Town of Saint Andrews

Canada is an international leader in the field of Age-Friendly Communities and members of the World Health Organization Global Network of Age-Friendly cities and communities. To date, there are 560 communities in Canada who have become or are becoming Age-Friendly, mainly led by seniors, partnered by municipalities, and supported by provincial governments. Age-Friendly Communities, whether in urban, rural, or remote settings, are essential to not only the health and wellbeing of older people, but essential across all age demographics.

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212 Water Street
Saint Andrews, NB
E5B 1B4, Canada
(506) 529-5120