Parks & Rec

Earth Day Canada 2022 Tree Relay

Posted: March 13, 2023

Initiated on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the Municipal Tree Planting Relay is the perfect way for cities to highlight their dedication to addressing climate change and reiterate their commitment to sustainability.

On the 22nd of every month until Earth Day 2022, cities across Canada will announce their pledge to plant at least 50 trees in honour of Earth Day. These municipalities, committed to taking action to making their regions greener, will then hand off the relay baton to other Canadian cities for the following month.

The Town of Saint Andrews will be planting 70 trees in the community, native and fruit trees, to support Earth Day 2022 and the 70th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum. Jubilee. The first tree will be planted on April 22, 2022, and the 70th tree planted on June 7, 2022. Stay tuned for more information. 

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212 Water Street
Saint Andrews, NB
E5B 1B4, Canada
(506) 529-5120