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New Brunswick Smart Energy Community Accelerator Plan, Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Reduction Strategy, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Project Accelerator Program

Posted: March 4, 2022

Article: Quest Canada Helps Saint Andrews, St. Stephen, Find Smart-Energy Solutions for their Environment and Economies:

The Town of Saint Andrews has been participating in the new pilot project for New Brunswick Smart Energy Community Accelerator Program offered through Quest Canada since the fall of 2020. The purpose of the program is to establish a Community Energy Plan to assist 10 New Brunswick communities and one First Nation to equip them with the tools and knowledge to develop and implement community energy plans and understand the net economic benefits they can provide. For more information on the Accelerator Project please follow the link:

In addition to the Accelerator program, the Town of Saint Andrews received an Environmental Trust Fund Grant through the Province of New Brunswick to conduct a Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Reduction strategy being completed by Eastern Charlotte Waterways. This project reviewed all municipal facilities to generate baselines of greenhouse gas emissions and energy emissions. From the data collected in the strategy, the Town can target specific projects that support further energy reductions to the building envelops, heat recovery systems, and renewable energies. This strategy in conjunction with the Accelerator Plan will give the Town leverage when applying for grant funding for energy reduction projects.

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212 Water Street
Saint Andrews, NB
E5B 1B4, Canada
(506) 529-5120