Parks & Rec

Age-Friendly Saint Andrews

About Age-Friendly Communities

The Province of New Brunswick has implemented the Age-Friendly community recognition program, adopted the criteria set out by the WHO and the Government of Canada.

The Age-Friendly Community Initiative, developed by the WHO, aims to encourage cities and towns to retrofit their environments, policies, and programs, to enable seniors to live healthy, active, engaged lives in their own homes and community.

Age-Friendly Communities:

  • Recognizes that seniors have a wide range of skills and abilities
  • Understands and meets the age-related needs of seniors
  • Respects the decisions and lifestyle choices of seniors
  • Protects those seniors who are vulnerable
  • Recognizes that seniors have a lot to offer their community
  • Recognizes how important it is to include seniors in all areas of community life

History of Age-Friendly Communities Initiative

In 2006, the WHO developed the Global Age-Friendly Cities Project. This project brought together cities from around the world that were interested in supporting healthy aging by becoming more age-friendly. These cities gathered information from seniors, senior-care providers, and other groups and individuals with an interest in age-friendly communities. This information helped to identify eight key domains of community life in which communities can become more age-friendly. These domains are:

  • Outdoor spaces and buildings
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Social participation
  • Respect and social inclusion
  • Civic participation and employment
  • Communication and information
  • Community support and health services
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212 Water Street
Saint Andrews, NB
E5B 1B4, Canada
(506) 529-5120