Passamaquoddy Bay, which pulses to a tidal rhythm that may raise water levels 28 feet or more twice a day, surrounds the peninsula of Saint Andrews. From low water to high water takes about 6.2 hours and in that time up to 2¼ billion tons of water will swill into the Bay through the passages. In the next 6.2 hours the water swirls out uncovering six square miles of intertidal beach to be explored for sea creatures and historical artifacts thrown up by the powerful tides. For those interested in following the changes in tides, the Saint Andrews Welcome Centre can direct you to where tide tables can be obtained locally.
The St. Andrews Town Wharf, restored after suffering a devastating fire in August of 1994, has long been a working wharf where scallop draggers, fishing boats and more recently aquaculture barges leave from each morning and seek protection from each night. Bright blue and yellow barges, heavy with fish feed motor out to the salmon cages just off Indian Point, while sturdy wooden vessels take fishermen out to the weirs to seine the fish caught in their maze-like traps. The elegant tall ships berth side by side with racing Zodiac and cruising tour boats – all ready to take visitors out to catch a glimpse of the mighty whales.