Join your fellow plant and garden lovers at this year’s Seedy Sunday. There is no admission charge and no charge for seeds. (Donations will be gratefully received to help cover the cost of renting the parish hall. You do not have to bring seeds, but you are encouraged to bring extra seeds of some of your favourite varieties. Lots of flowers, vegetables, herbs, and tree seeds are usually available, but please do bring seeds if you have some to share… the more the merrier. Seeds should be viable and no more than a few years old. Mark them with the name of the crop and the specific variety. Also please note the year they were collected or purchased. Bring samples of your favourite seed catalogs too, to help inform other gardeners about promising varieties that have done well in your garden.
Spread the word about Seedy Sunday to all your fellow gardeners!
Questions? Call Mike at 506-529-3629 or Lee Ann at 506 529 4982